Thursday, March 25, 2010

Flowers and Feathers and Horns, oh my!

I've been hearing comments about some of the floral photography, including the pheasant wings and white tail deer skulls. Granted I would not do that for any client, unless specified to (I keep thinking of a gorgeous cascading head table piece with antlers though!).
I only use my props to help accentuate color and texture with the flowers. It also compliments the softness and femininity of the flowers, in contrast to something more rigid and masculine.
Though, my main reason is to play a little homage to a great American woman artist named Georgia O'Keefe. She had a wonderful gift that could "capture the essence of [the] natural beauty". I highly respect her artwork, it is gorgeous.
If you'd like to familiarize yourself with one of my creative inspirations, visit her online museum : Georgia O'Keefe.

1 comment:

  1. I love those quirky-quirks. Think they're beautiful! My mom's just afraid of bones ... or something.
